category Reflective posts

Reflection 4

The Floe Inclusive Learning Design Handbook is a great open educational resource that helps teachers, content creators, Web developers, and others creating and improving educational resources. After reading the whole handbook, there are three important concepts I want to mention in… Continue Reading →

Reflection 3

Most Memorable Online Learning Experience The most memorable online learning experience for me is an online course called Interactive Multimedia Learning which I am taking this semester. In this course, 1~3 students make a group to create our own interactive… Continue Reading →


Online educational content is all of the educational resources displayed on the internet. It is an electronically supported learning that relies on the internet for teacher/student interaction and the distribution of class materials. (Indiaeducation, n.d.)  Openly licensed educational content reserve… Continue Reading →

Week1 Reflection

When we talk about teaching methods, instructor-centred vs. student-centred is a worthy topic of discussion. In Instructor-centered class, instructors focus on themselves as the center of the course, they dispense knowledge to students. While in student-centred, students are self-guided constructors… Continue Reading →

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